Whether you are looking for a single room lighting solution for a Kitchen/Family Room with 20 controlled lamps or a whole house solution with 220 controlled lamps we have designed and installed these and many sizes in between.
We can send you a fact sheet about automated lighting systems which will help in your choice of system. Just fill in the form on the Contact us page and we will get that to you.
Or you can simply call us on 0800 781 3909 and ask for Chris.
Automated Lighting Systems allow you to:
Besides these benefits to daily life, there are real security advantages to automated lighting, these range from external lights being triggered by movement or ambient light up to very latest systems that replicate the exact lighting pattern of the previous two weeks if you go away – far more realistic than using a plug-in timer switch or simple dusk to dawn sensor.
Lighting can even be integrated with the home’s security functions so that all of the house lights come on if the burglar alarm is triggered. This is often enough to deter a possible intruder.
Finally, as well as improving the quality of your life, a carefully designed lighting system that dims lights selectively burns less electricity, making your home more environmentally friendly and less costly to run. The control system knows you are there and it can turn lights on to enable easy no-switches passage through your house if you so desire, turning lights on as you enter a room and turning them off when you leave.
People with disabilities or who are not as able to get around can find lighting control a boon, being able to control lighting throughout the home without having to leave their armchair. With the lighting system being tied into other systems, such as door entry or timers, someone with limited mobility is able to take control over their home.